The Nordic Tourism Collective has partnered with TerreVerde Sustainability to help provide a practical first-step pathway for destinations and SMEs seeking to embark on their first stages of their sustainable tourism journey

Whilst much progress has been made in the development of sustainable tourism, particularly in the Nordic countries, there is still much more work to be done and much of the rhetoric around sustainable tourism needs to be turned to action.
The Nordic Tourism Collective & Terreverde Sustainability share a common belief in the pursuit of sustainable tourism and together can help provide the tools to make this happen
TerraVerde is a boutique sustainability consultancy dedicated to travel, tourism and hospitality, driven by a passion for our sector and with a deep appreciation of its benefits to people and places.
With practical, business-friendly advice, TerraVerde supports its clients at every stage of their sustainability journey; helping them create compelling strategies in environmental and social sustainability, as well as decarbonising their operations and products. Its mission is to ensure that the industry we love continues to thrive, whilst minimising the impact on the natural resources upon which we all depend.
Sustainable tourism
Whilst much progress has been made in the development of sustainable tourism, particularly in the Nordic countries, there is still much more work to be done and much of the rhetoric around sustainable tourism needs to be turned to action.
Sustainable Tourism refers to sustainable practices in and by the tourism industry and is an aspiration to acknowledge all impacts of tourism, both positive and negative; to minimise the negative impacts and maximise the positive ones.
It’s worth remembering that sustainable tourism includes more than environmental concerns and normally includes four-separate considerations or pillars, as defined by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, these are:
(A) Sustainable management; (B) Socioeconomic impacts; (C) Cultural impacts; (D) Environmental impact.
Demand-push vs supply-pull
The path to sustainability and sustainable tourism is a long journey that will last forever with new approaches, new technologies and ecological realities ever changing. Consumer demand for sustainable products and services will increase as more sustainable products become available. However, as representatives of our industry, we need to do more to make these products available for customers.
The 2023 Annual Sustainable Travel Report found that, “74% of respondents want travel companies to offer more sustainable travel choices.” The spotlight is on us all to take the lead by improving our own positions on sustainability and sustainable tourism and developing great products and services and at the same time, making them easy for the consumer to find and buy. Then let’s add our voices to the debate by communicating with our customers and building the demand for sustainable products and services.
Nordic Tourism Collective & TerreVerde
The Nordic Tourism Collective & TerreVerde Sustainability share a common belief in the pursuit of sustainable tourism and together can help provide the tools to help make this happen.
We help develop robust strategies and recommendations that consider all elements of sustainable tourism practices including the establishment of a sustainable tourism management and reporting structure, the evaluation of socio-economic factors relevant to local businesses and destinations and the recognition and protection of culture and cultural heritage.
We provide carbon measurement tools to accurately measure the impact of your company, travel products or events to produce transparent, science-based carbon reports. to global standards, help reduce carbon and waste, control consumption and costs, engage with your investors, suppliers and employees as well as building trust in your consumer communications.
First steps and measurement
Many businesses can be overwhelmed by the complexity and proliferation of criteria and certifications that surround sustainable tourism and often feel that embarking on the road to sustainability is an ‘all-or-nothing’ leap into the unknown. Many also believe that taking such a step is expensive and can also, in some cases, lead to accusations of greenwashing. The easiest way to get started on any path is to find out where you are at the start
You can’t reduce or improve what you can't measure and so establishing a rigorous and credible protocol of impact-measurement is an efficient and cost-effective way to start.
To explore any of the steps to sustainable tourism with us, please drop us a mail and we will be happy to take a call at any time - with no commitment to you.